As part of the World Green Building Week, Construction21 revealed yesterday evening, on Thursday 20 September, the 7 French champions of the Green Building Solutions Awards 2018.
As part of the fight against climate change, the competition highlights the most sustainable and innovative building work in terms of environmental performance. The French winners will take part with champions from other countries, in the international final that will take place next 6 December, on the fringes of the Katowice COP24 (Poland).
Technopôle wins the award in the “Smart Building” category
The jury of experts, called on to select the best candidates, made a point of honour of identifying the smart features of the various buildings: management of the lighting, roller shutters and heaters, monitoring of consumption, mobile app dedicated to staff, etc.
Finally, it was the Grenoble Schneider Electric Technopôle — designed by the Arches5 Architectes group —, which was declared the winner of this “Smart” category thanks to its total management of energy devices, air comfort and optimum use of office space. This exemplary, so-called “Smart Grid ready” and already LEED Platinum accredited building, exploits the group’s technologies — EcoStruxure for buildings and EcoStruxure Grid — to ensure that final consumption is below 45kWh per year and per m². This makes the Technopôle not simply performant, but a smart building capable of optimising its consumption as and when the data are collected.
A working relationship based on efficiency
It was as part of a call for tenders by Schneider Electric, one of the world’s experts in energy management and automation, that GA Smart Building successfully responded to this development contract. The fruit of 14 months’ building work with the assistance of FullBIM, the Technopôle aims to become the commercial showcase of Schneider Electric, a true “living-laboratory” for its 1,000 staff.

It is with real pride that we congratulate Schneider Electric for obtaining the Green Building Award in the “Smart Building” category for its Technopôle that GA Smart Building had the pleasure of building.