Since 2013, GA has supported the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation, a major player in youth training and professional integration, and has renewed its patronage agreement, which enables it to support professional integration in the building sector.
For three years close professional ties have been forged with the foundation. Groupe GA takes apprentices into its production sites so they can discover what goes on, helps them with their applications for training programmes and guides them to companies in the building sector to help them find work. The financial support given to the Centre de Formation Continue Saint Louis, an occupational training centre in Toulouse, notably helped 52 persons find work by enabling them to take a building maintenance training course.

GA is proud of its success stories and of the high rates of integration, and will strengthen confidence in the actions carried out by the Apprentis d'Auteuil foundation.
Apprentis d'Auteuil works at a roots level, which means it can forge close ties with youngsters and businesses. The support of a company like GA is primordial to facilitate the training and integration of youngsters who come from difficult backgrounds.